Dark Ride/Retail Blue Sky Project| October 2022
Project Role Show Producer/Show Writer
Alanoud Aldbian, Erin Compton, Madison Demberg, Valerie Smetanka
Project Accomplishments
Organized and planned meetings with the project team
Developed narrative and script for the attraction
Researched and presented solutions for ride systems and vehicles
Project Brief
Join Aang and the gang on a quest to find Appa! Guests begin at Ba Sing Se University's open house, where they are invited to learn a bending move from one of four Bending Masters. Suddenly guests receive word that Appa, our hero's beloved Air Bison, is missing! Guests must use their newfound bending abilities to find and rescue Appa.
Avatar: The Last Airbender, Nickelodeon, and all related titles, logos, and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.
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